Happy Sunday!
I popped by real quick to let you know that Google Reader officially stops working tomorrow (July 1st). What this means is that if you are following me though Google Reader, you will no longer be receiving my updates/new posts.
No need to fret though!
If you are currently using Google Reader, all you have to do is switch to another service like BlogLovin'. The process is easy, you just sign up for an account on their site and import your Google Reader (they do it for you!). Easy Peasey! I have been using BlogLovin' a couple days and I really like it!
Google Reader will shut down tomorrow, July 1st! If you don't want to miss any posts, please click HERE to following my blog with BlogLovin'.
I know that my blog has been dead the last couple of weeks. I have had a ton of stuff going on. I will be back in the next week or so with some new projects!
I hope you have a wonderful day!